Friday, December 30, 2016

Insights on Parshas Mikeitz & Chanukah

A Chanukah Message for All Ages. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Chanukah 1990.

Mikeitz: Spinning your life into a miracle - Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

The Immortal Flame

Gruntig Exclusive Dvar Torah. By Rabbi Zalman Goldberg of Brooklyn, NY.

Chanukah 2016 - A Short Message by Rabbi Mintz - Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz delivers a short Chanukah Holiday message for Oorah's families.

Chanukah The Battle for Beauty - How to rise above society’s impossible standards of beauty and attain real self-esteem. Rabbi Etiel Goldvicht.

Chanukah & the Amazing Miracle of Snow

A Lesson on Chanukah - Spreading the light. אור חנוכה -  Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, Twin Cities, MN.

Chanukah - Rabbi Aryeh Royde

Mikeitz - Don't roll over, wake up! Rabbi Yitz Wyne

Miketz 5777 - Rabbi Etan Tokayer -The Video Vort is a D'var Torah on the Parsha by Rabbi Etan Tokayer of the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Rabbi Mendel Feigenson Chabad of Sugar Land. Chanukah.

Rabbi Laibl Wolf's Parsha Mikeitz - Can a wrong be made right? Yes, but only if the spiritual stain can be removed. And that can only take place if there is full recognition an admission of a wrong.

The wisdom of Yossef - מקץ - Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, Twin Cities, MN.

Parshas Miketz 5777: Divine Lights Divine Rights - Rabbi Moshe Snow

Savannah Kollel

Mikeitz: Always update your Chanuka 2.0 - Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Mikeitz: Drip a little wax my friend! Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Mikeitz: DIY Yiddishkeit! Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Mikeitz: Chanukah is the time we tell our children: "You're the light I'm bringing into the world" Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.

Chanukah story Told by Israel's Deputy Minister Michael Oren

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