"A shiver went down my spine when I brought my mail into my house on Friday Erev Yom Tov and saw an envelope with this return address. I wondered then what this man would be sending to my address!"
Below is the Copy of the letter.
I'm not his conscience, but I would have expected a baal teshuva in these circumstances to do the best he could to correct the situation. This would mean giving all his money away in compensation and providing a full and frank account of when and where he supplied treif meat. Then he would need to find another job so that he could continue to repay people for the cost of their discarded meat and utensils and so forth.
who are we to judge? truth is, we have no idea what is really goin on... only G-d knows.
But i did hear a story that happened a few generations back. A schochet was known to stun his animals before schita. One of the Rabbanim of the community approached the "schochet" and told him that if he didn't stop, his grandchildren will also have problems with yiras shmayim etc. Finkel is the great-grandson of this schochet... The Rav was a gandfather of the schochet family living in toronto.
B"H "Joe in Australia said... I'm not his conscience, but I would have expected a baal teshuva in these circumstances to do the best he could to correct the situation. This would mean giving all his money away in compensation and providing a full and frank account of when and where he supplied treif meat. Then he would need to find another job so that he could continue to repay people for the cost of their discarded meat and utensils and so forth.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:34:25 PM " Halocha forbids accepting repayment from a proffesional thief who decided to do teshuvah. Chazal mention a case when a man wanted to do teshuvah but his wife pointed out to him that he will have to give away everything even his belt so he changed his mind and decided to remain a thief. The chazal made a gzeira forbiding people to accept repayment from such baalei teshvah to make their teshuvah easier. I think this also applies to Finkel's situation.
where is the makor for the gezeirah of not being allowed to accept repayment from a thief? awesome - i never heard of that - email it to me at hilfigert1@gmail.com - since i have never checked this blog, and probably wont again - thanks a ton
wow... crazy stuff
it says in chazal anyone can do teshuva
Do you think it is authentic?
anonymous (2):
actually our sages say that someone who sins and causes others to sin, G-d does not let him do T'shuva.
Menachem, you're right i believe that's what the Rambam says. but a top of all this although it's much more difficult a person can still do teshuva.
I'm not his conscience, but I would have expected a baal teshuva in these circumstances to do the best he could to correct the situation. This would mean giving all his money away in compensation and providing a full and frank account of when and where he supplied treif meat. Then he would need to find another job so that he could continue to repay people for the cost of their discarded meat and utensils and so forth.
who are we to judge? truth is, we have no idea what is really goin on... only G-d knows.
But i did hear a story that happened a few generations back.
A schochet was known to stun his animals before schita. One of the Rabbanim of the community approached the "schochet" and told him that if he didn't stop, his grandchildren will also have problems with yiras shmayim etc.
Finkel is the great-grandson of this schochet...
The Rav was a gandfather of the schochet family living in toronto.
"Joe in Australia said...
I'm not his conscience, but I would have expected a baal teshuva in these circumstances to do the best he could to correct the situation. This would mean giving all his money away in compensation and providing a full and frank account of when and where he supplied treif meat. Then he would need to find another job so that he could continue to repay people for the cost of their discarded meat and utensils and so forth.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:34:25 PM "
Halocha forbids accepting repayment from a proffesional thief who decided to do teshuvah.
Chazal mention a case when a man wanted to do teshuvah but his wife pointed out to him that he will have to give away everything even his belt so he changed his mind and decided to remain a thief.
The chazal made a gzeira forbiding people to accept repayment from such baalei teshvah to make their teshuvah easier.
I think this also applies to Finkel's situation.
this is a crock!
where is the makor for the gezeirah of not being allowed to accept repayment from a thief? awesome - i never heard of that - email it to me at hilfigert1@gmail.com - since i have never checked this blog, and probably wont again - thanks a ton
Wow That is Wierd Moshe finkels Uncle Is Rabbi Gavriel Finkel OF THE KCL Kashrus in Lakewood NJ
Moshe Fikels Uncle Rabbi Gavriel Finkel also works for the OU, and He Heads a Beis Din Vaad Hadayonim in Lakewood
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