Saturday, February 24, 2024

Mamish at the End | Mendy Worch | TYH | FULL ALBUM

Ashreinu! V’tov Chelkainu!

First and Foremost,
Thank You Hashem for Everything!
Especially for helping us get to this milestone!!!!

Our goal with this album is to bring music to the world that reflects the times we live in. Songs of Moshiach, Emunah, and Jewish pride. I hope you find this Album uplifting and enjoyable. I’m looking forward to singing songs of redemption together speedily in our days. Amen!

No words can fully describe just how lucky we are to have Yidden like the Holy TYH Chevra, who constantly spreads more light, joy, and Yiddishkeit to the world.

Their continued efforts on so many fronts have literally changed the Jewish world as we know it.
I am forever grateful to them for their continued support, believing in me, and helping me pursue my life’s dream. I feel privileged to be a small part of their greater efforts on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

May Hashem help them fulfill all their dreams and continued success in all areas

Team TYH has many incredible people working on all types of amazing projects. Izzy, Yehuda, Yaakov G, Yakov J, Wogi and many more. You guys Rock!

At some point every project crosses the desk of the Executive Producer of Fabrengable Studios, the mega talented Mendy Portnoy. His creative energy and positivity can be felt in everything he does. It was a pleasure working with him on this project and I’m honored to call him my friend. #MendySquared

Thanks to my amazing wife Esti!
Thanks to the best fans in the world, my children Tzvi, Zevi, Shaya, Dovi and Rosie for all your love and encouragement


Love, ❤️
Mendy Worch

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