Thursday, April 21, 2022

Chasidishe Tantz, Beri, Shira - A Berko Productions

We all find ourselves dancing at some point in life, at a wedding of a family member or friend, some dance throughout the night, some get sparked when their favorite song starts to play, and some when they see everyone else dancing, yet we all find ourselves involved as soon as the singer sings a Lebedige Holy song, music from the olden days.

Here is a collage of some of Beri’s favorite Chasidic nostalgic Negunim.

I hope it brings you warmth and happiness on these beautiful days.

ושמחת בחגיך והיית אך שמח!

Music arranged & conducted by: Avrumi Berko
Lead Singer: Beri Weber
Clarinet: Avrumi Balti
Guitarists: Mendy Oberlander & Ari Kohn
Sax: Avrumi Basch
Choir: Shira Choir led by Yoely Horowitz
Live Sound Engineer: Yoely Karpen
Stage Manager: Hersh Meilech Miller
Video by: Motty Engel
Vocal post-production: Gershy Schwarcz @EdgwareStudios
Audio Mix post-production: Avrumi Berko
Venue: Ataras Avraham Hall

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