Sunday, December 29, 2019

Yidi Bialostozky - Meine Tefillin - Sababa - Lev Choir

Meine Tefillin is a musical masterpiece composed and written by Lipa Schmeltzer. It was recorded by Avraham Fried on his album Ah Mechayeh and was arranged by Avremi G.

Blessed with a powerful sensational voice, rare vocal control and unique performing abilities, Yidi gives this song an unmatched performance.

The Musical accompaniment by the Sababa Band led by Mendy Hershkowitz, and rich vocal enhancement by the Lev Choir gives this song the perfect feel.

Yidi has recently taken the market by storm, infusing energy at weddings, leading emotional chuppahs, and charismatically transforming dinners and upscale events, alongside the biggest names in Jewish music.

This song was performed live at a recent Sheva Brachos at the Brightstone hall.

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