Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Chanukah 5779 Song and Music Collection

Singing Ani Maamin in front of an audience of 6000, at a Chanukah event at the Kremlin. Directed by Mendy Markowitz.

Mordechai Shapiro - "Lecha" Live, feat. Torah Academy of Boca Raton Boys Choir.

Maoz Tzur from the DRS WildChords. DRS Yeshiva High School For Boys is part of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, NY.

Yonatan Razel, Maoz Tzur

Chanukah Light - Ari Goldwag (2018) - Live

Yehuda Green Chanukah Kumzitz In Lakewood

Shmuel Zahavy Cheder Chabad Boys Choir Sings  Al Hanissim - Chanukah 5779

Dovid Pearlman live. Highlights from the hit show Chanukah Nissim 2018 in the Master Theater in Brooklyn, NY.

Israel Nachman Chanukah Candle Lighting In Concert Gebouw Amsterdam - Cantor Israel Nachman lights the chanukah menorah in Concert Gebouw Amsterdam the way the late cantor Hans Bloemendal would do it followed by the singing of Hanerot Halalu to a popular folk tune.

Cantor Israel Nachman sings End of The Maoz Tzur

Cantor Israel Nachman Singing The Maoz tzur, Chanukah 5777 (last year).

Lenny Friedman - Maoz Tzur - Trumpet Cover

Piano Chanukah Medley ft. Aryeh Rosner

Shulem Lemmer Singing National Anthem At Brooklyn Nets

Chanukah Event For Kids From Yiddish Nachos Choir with Shmueli Unger

One Tiny Light (Official Music Video) Chanukah 2018. Composed and lyrics by : Zvika Bornstein.

Torah Academy of Boca Raton Boys Choir - Chanukah Medley. Videos produced by: Yisrael Wealcatch.

Mordechai Shapiro - "B'Yachad" Live (feat. The Children of Torah Academy of Boca Raton).

Torah Academy of Boca Raton Boys Choir - Ani Maamin

Waterbury Mesivta - "Hashem Melech" Live at Boca Raton Concert

Waterbury Mesivta - "Tatty My King" Live

We've got a strong desire - Shlock Rock - Poway, CA

Jump Up - Chanukah (Feat Nosson Labkowski)

Chanukah Music & Kumzitz With Dovi Meizels

Chasidish Band At the Chanukah Ceremony In Ottawa

Avrohom Mordechei Shwartz Singing in Satmar Yeshiva

"I see Fire" Official Video - Pinny Schachter Chanuka edition

Michoel Schnitzler being mesameach on chanukah|

Shearim Orchestra playing the new Areleh Samet song A Git Voch at a private party on Chanuka. accompanied by the very talented Zimra Choir.

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