Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Heart Stopping Flight: Hang Glider Holds on For Dear Life

A man who went hang gliding for the first time had to cling onto a metal bar for more than two minutes when his pilot forgot to hook him onto the glider, heart-stopping footage has shown.

The terrifying clip from Chris Gursky's first day on holiday in Switzerland has been shared by the YouTuber - after the fun activity turned into a 'near death experience'.

The auto-parts manager and photographer from Florida had to 'hang on for his life' during the ride he videoed, and later named 'Swiss Mishap'.

After taking off from a 4,000 ft mountain edge Gursky had to hang on for two minutes and 14 seconds as the pilot desperately trying to steer with one hand to get him safely to the ground.

'I was just trying to stay calm, trying to hold on for dear life,' Gursky told Good Morning America. 'I looked down once and I thought to myself: "This is it, I'm going to fall to my death. I'm a goner."'


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