Thousands took to the streets in Brooklyn and revelers packed Lubavitch world headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, where cases of Smirnoff were rolled in to celebrate the good news, an unexpected gift from the White House that came in the final moments of Chanukah.
Photographer Shimon Gifter was the first member of the media to speak with Rubashkin after his release in an exclusive VIN news interview that took place aboard a coach bus as he prepared to leave Monsey for a trip to Brooklyn to visit his parents in Borough Park, Lubavitch world headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway and the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens.
Free of Otisville and surrounded by family members including some grandchildren that he had never met, Rubashkin was dressed in a black jacket, pants and hat and a white shirt as he spoke about the importance of being “b’simcha” at all times.
Asked what message he would like to send to President Trump, Rubashkin said that he prays for Trump every day.
“G-d should bless him and the United States of America,” added Rubashkin.
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Sholom Mordechai calls his father after being picked up by his wife from the prison in Upstate NY. Later he is seen arriving at his childhood home in Boro Park, embracing his mother.
Thousands of people await the arrival of Sholom Mordechai, outside his parents' home in Boro Park.
Dancing in 770 began at about 5:30pm shortly after the news arrives of Sholom Mordechai's releases. Sholom Mordecahi finally arrived in 770 at about 12:45am, after stopping at his parents' home in Boro Park. The dancing continued until 3:00am.
Sholom Mordchei Rubashkin singing Podo Bsholom in 770, in the early hours of Thrsday, just hours after being released. "Podo Besholom" is a song sung in Chabad, composed to the words the Baal Hatanya was reciting the moment he was released 200 years ago.
Thursdat morning in 770, reciting Birchas Hagomel after receiving an Aliya.
Sholom Mordechai addresses the crowd in Boro Park.
Video from Wednesday night by Shimon G. Outside the Rubashkin home in Boro Park. Towards the end of the clip the railing of the front deck came off due to the intensely large crowd. tremendous crowd.
Rubashkin reciting Shema Yisroel with 1000's in Boro Park
Rubashkin saying words of Chizuk and Bracha in Boro Park
SMR arrives to 770 after stopping off in Boro Park
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, left the dancing at 770 shortly after he davened Maariv, to go to the Kogan Duchman Lechaim. He later returned to 770 to continue the celebration there.
Another clip from the Vort.
The bus with Sholom Mordechai and his family arrive at 770
Rubashkin greeted by thousands as he arrives at 770
Rubashkin recites emotional blessing 'matir asurim'
Sholom Rubashkin chazan for Maariv in 770
special request at family gathering, Thursday Morning.
Rubashkin thanks Trump to big applause
Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin dances in 770 Thursday morning at about 2:00am
More dancing a day later. Thursday night in 770.
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