Friday, August 29, 2014

R' Yirmiya Damen "Shomer Yisrael" at Belz Bar Mitzvah

August 21. 2014 - The Bar Mitzvah of the fourth grandson of the Belzer Rebbe was held in Kiryat Belz, Jerusalem, last Thursday night.

The Bar Mitzvah boy , Chaim Meir Rokeach, is the son of Rabbi Aharon Mordechai. The celebration was held in the "א'גרויסע שטוב" Hall, and attended by thousands of Belzer Chasiedim from all over the country.

Immediately after the Bar Mitzvah, the date for the wedding of the Rebbe's grandson, Avrohom Shmuel Zvi Hershel Rokeach, was announced. The Wedding will IY"H take place in Kiryat Belz, on Tuesday, the 15th of Sivan, 5775, in a large tent set to be built for the occasion.

One of the highlights of the Bar Mitzvah unfolded when the Rebbe instructed the thousands of participants to join together in the singing of the Belzer version of Shomer Yisrael. Tehillim was then recited due to the situation the Jewish people in Israel were facing at the time.

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