Monday, February 10, 2014

Highlights LSS Concert - Goffin Lemmer & Herstik

This historical concert took place on Motzei Shabbat Dec. 7th 2013 in the beautiful newly renovated Lincoln Square Synagogue.  Featured at this concert were three of the finest Chazzanim of our times. LSS's senior Chazzan Sherwood Goffin, LSS's new Chazzan Yanky Lemmer and guest Chazzan Netanel Herstik. The concert was sold out. 

Accompanying at the concert were members of the NY all star Klezmer band who created a unique fusion between Cantorial, Klezmer and contemporary Jewish music.

Michael Winograd - Clarinet
Israel Edelson - Piano
Patrick Farrel - Accordion
Benjy Fox-Rosen - Bass
Aaron Alexander - Drums

A Gruntig Exclusive!

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