Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rosh Hashana Greeting from the IDF Chief of Staff

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz extends his best wishes for Rosh Hashana to the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.


Anonymous said...

I don't call this a Rosh Hashana greeting, I'd rather call it an atheist holiday greeting! No mention of the word "GOD" at all?? I just don't get it! Is he so naive or just arrogant? Or both?

mo said...

headline should be Rosh Hashana Greeting from Apikoros !

michali said...

To mo,

It is obvious you are ignorant of who is considered an Apikores. The Chief of Staff is not an Apikores, but a Tinok V'nishba. An apikores is a Jew who goes against the Torah and causes others to do the same, which is a chillul Hashem. Mr. Gantz does not no better. However, I did enjoy listening to his message.

Have a Shanah Tova

Anonymous said...

Sad, very sad, not one mention of the thanks that we owe Hashem. This is unfortunately a true reflection of the average secular Israeli today. We owe the IDF gratitude, but without Hashem's help their work would be for nought.

Anonymous said...

To michali: Your probably right when you say "Tinek shenishba" But it doesn't take to be a genious to realize that there is a god out there! So I don't by this type of defense. Try something else. A sweet year to all of klal yisroel!

Anonymous said...

You know what's sad? When he says how hard they worked, while, during this year, his people drove yet more Jews out of the Holy Land, their Land. That's a SAD year.