Friday, May 18, 2012

Naftali's Story - Help a Boy Accomplish his Dream to Walk

Naftali's Story, the story of Naftali Cohen's dream to walk, started going around the web about 2 weeks ago. This was not the families initiative. The family has worked during the past 2 weeks to take the video off you tube (since there was no control over any of the details or contact information for donation). The video is now back up with contact information and ways to donate. They have also just launched the website.

Many people have contacted the producers of the movie, since their info was at the end of the film asking them how to donate. They have now set up many ways to donate with US tax receipts with pay pal, checks and credit card.  Click Here to Donate.

Naftali, the great grandson of the late Rehavam Ze'evi, was born with Arthrogryposis. He is unable to walk because this condition severely limits the use of his hands and legs. With the proper medical care Naftali would be able to develop immensely. Amazingly, Naftali is willing to go through all the painful treatments in order to walk, but his family needs your help to make this dream a reality.

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