Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kinus Hashluchim 5772 in Crown Heights

Thousands of Chabad Lubavitch Sheluchim spent the weekend in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, NY, for the annual Shluchim conference.

Video from early Sunday morning of the annual Shluchim photo.

Since so many Shluchim live it the most remote locations of the world, Jewish Schools are nowhere found nearby. in Recent years an "Online School" was created for such children. Once a year these children meet each other and their teachers at the Online Cheder Convention.

Older division of the Tzeiri (Younger) Shluchim

The Kids Photo

Motzei Shabbos General Session in Beis Rivkah Crown Heights.

The Kids of Shluchim

Arutz Sheva report on the Shluchim's visit to the Lubavticher Rebbe's Ohel.

Friday - Reading The Pan Klalli at the Ohel.

Kids at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Ohel, Friday.

Kinus Hashluchim Day #1

Kinus Hashluchim Registration

1 comment:

mosh said...

after so many years the lubavitcher rebbe is not around and still they are so devoted to his cause mamash a kiddush hashem !