Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chabad Shluchim Conference Banquet Live! Ended

More than 5,000 Lubavitch Shluchim, their guests and supporters are gathered tonight for the closing gala banquet highlighting the weekend-long International Conference of Shluchim, taking place at Pier 12 in Brooklyn.

The 28th Annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emmissaries, started Wednesday, November 23, in the Crown Heights section Brooklyn.

The production teams of David Sharf and Ronen Peled, along with the Rivkin family of Kolshar AV, are coordinating the banquet, which is the largest sit-down dinner in New York City.

Speakers include Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen of Sacramento, California, who will give the keynote address, and British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.

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