Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Beinuni

Excerpt from New DVD - Niggunim of the Rebbeim. Buy the full-length video here.

The 12th of Taamuz 5640 is the birthday of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Yosef Yitzchok. It is also the day he was subsequently freed from exile by the Russians in 5687. He was initially sentanced to death R"L but that was dropped on the 3rd of Taamuz and was instead sent to exile in Kostroma, a small city over 400 miles away from his headquarters in Leningrad. 9 days later he was feed altogether.

The Beinuni, composed by the Chosid Rav Ahron Charitonov of Nikolayev,  is also known as the Freidiger Rebbe's Nigun.

In 1927, the communist authorities sentenced Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch to exile in Kostroma, a small city over 400 miles away from his headquarters in Leningrad. During his time there, he stayed with the family of the local Shochet, Reb Yerachmiel Kugel.

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