Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sobbing 3-Year-Old Really Wants to Be Governor of NJ

Watch out, Governor Christie, you may have some competition. A clip making the rounds on YouTube features 4-year-old Jesse Koczon. The clip was shot in 2009. His brother Brandon seems to share his political acumen, correctly identifying Arnold Schwarzenegger as the governor of California (he was in office at the time).

For his part, Christie took to Twitter to try to reassure the boy. “Don’t worry Jesse, people gave plenty of reasons why I couldn’t be Governor, though being too small wasn’t one of them,” Christie tweeted.

Jesse may be sobbing in the video, but the family might be laughing all the way to the bank: the clip won $10,000 on “America’s Funniest Videos” in December. Jesse’s political future may also not be too bright with some voters: in the video he answers “yes” when asked if he’d raise property taxes.

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