Sunday, December 12, 2010

MBD English Medley 1986

Mordechai Ben David sings an English Medley at a 1986 concert in Brooklyn college. Music By Moshe Laufer.


Anonymous said...

the sky is the limit for the king

Anonymous said...

After watching this clip a I can say is wow!!!
Mordechai Ben David in his prime was unbelievable.
No voice machines. No shtick.
Just pure voice and power.

He ends this medley with such a bang.

Today's kids can't even hold a candle.
MBD was (and is) in a different league.
May Hashem give him koach to be mesameiach klall Yisrael till 120

Jewzic said...

I was at that concert... I even have a tape of the whole concert... it was great!