Monday, November 08, 2010

Michoel Schnitzler New Album Promo with MBD & Lipa

"מיכאל שניצעלער - די חתונה פונעם יונגסטן"
Michoel Shcnitzler -The wedding of the Youngest

The album will have songs from many famous composers, such as: Yossi Green, Lipa, Pinky Webber, Motty Ilowitz, Naftali Schnitzler, Tuli Weill, Duvid Kaufman, Meir Adler and more.

This new album with 20 beautiful brand new songs is to IY"H be released around Chanukah time.


Yam60 said...

Listen can you stop with these promos i cant wait anymore

V.Gelb said...

a half year ago there was a big singer promoting his album and put the expectation very high. at the end it was not as expected i hope this is not the case here !