Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chaos During the Night at Jerusalem Residence

Hundreds of people demonstrated at the Batei Varsha ('בתי ורשא') residence in Jerusalem, following the arrest of a young Rabbi Abraham Hirschman, a neighborhood residents. The protesters threw stones and eventually fled the riot policemen who arrived later. Mea She’arim - Some 300 haredi men took to Agudat Israel street in the capital’s Me’a She’arim neighborhood late Tuesday night, to protest the evacuation of a warehouse in the Batei Varsha area.

Haredi media outlets reported the Tuesday afternoon arrest of Avraham Hirshman, a central activist in the struggle between members of Batei Varsha and Kollel Polin over the building’s ownership, as the reason to the protest, as well as the discontent in the haredi street was caused by what they perceive as the police’s intervention on behalf of Kollel Polin, who regained ownership of the building.
Protesters threw stones at the police forces alerted to the scene, who dispersed the demonstrators without the use of special means. No casualties were reported

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