Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oldie of the Week ~ Our Ancestry - 1980

Presenting Old Jewish Musical Jewels (O.J.M.J) which due to their age are not very well known to the younger generation.

The song will first be posted here on the main page and remain for approximately a week (we try) on the right column above the three featured videos of the week.

The tenth song in this series features the song "Our Ancestry" from the album "Wake Up Yidden"  by Camp Gan Yisroel of Montreal, Canada, a Lubavitcher camp under the directorship of Rabbi Berel Mochkin, along with Avraham Rosenberg's Tzlil Vezemer Boys choir. The album was the recording debut of the Tzlil Vezemer Boys Choir and was  released somewhere around 1980 or 1981.

Soloists are, Shloime Dachs as a child (pictured left), and the choir's director Avraham Rosenberg (pictured below right).

Regarding the composition of the song; it's is an old chasidic tune and is very popularly played ad Chuppos. It is knows by many as the Bobover March. I have also seen it referred to as "
Umalchuso" of Viznitz.

The words of the song i assume were written by someone from the camp. Anyone with more info is welcome to post.

Our ancestry stems from just one man
Symbolizing our unity
Our souls are twins, our Father one
Separated only bodily

כאיש אחד בלב אחד
Yisroel encamped נגד ההר
Receiving Torah from the Almighty
Whatever you disfavor
Keep from your neighbor
Is the Torah in entirety

אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה
Is the derech for a Jew to follow
Opening the door to היתה אורה
Terminating our Golus sorrow

Melody Composed by: Traditional
Soloist: Child Soloist Shloime Dachs and adult soloist Avraham Asher Rosenberg.


Anonymous said...

Looks like an old grandma in that picture,

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your "oldie of the week" section. I have a few notes about this song.

This is a song from CGI Montreal. It was composed during the summer of 1970 for the the color war team of "Tov La'Brios".
I think the General was Sholom Ber Bryski. I don't know who put the words to the tune, but Sholom Ber was surely capable of writing camp songs.

Anonymous said...

very interesting.

maybe someone who knows him can ask him and let us know.

Anonymous said...

this tune is used during sheva brachos of (a wedding and) the week of shevs brachos.