Thursday, May 13, 2010

The All Stars of 770

An older Chaseidisher man walked into 770 recently. Someone there asked him what he though about the place. After observing it for a few minutes he said "The Rebbe is all over the walls and the Chasidem are all off the wall!."

By the way just so you know, some Lubavitchers are really very normal. I have some good Lubavitcher friends, so i know first hand.


M&S Mergui said...

Avinu malkenu shlach refua shleima lecholei amecho

Anonymous said...

pure racism!

Anonymous said...

It is not nice to post videos that make fun of anyone! Pure sinas chinam!

Aaron Benhamou said...

agree with anonymous

Anonymous said...

these messianics dont reperesent lubavitch, your choice to put this video erev shavous yom achdus is purely ignorant and hateful. i will no longer visit this web site again!!

Lucky Wolf said...

Hateful? What hateful about it?

And BTW You will visit this site again!

Anonymous said...

ok, so u thinkthe gentiles are that different? haha dont only blame the Jews

Anonymous said...

SOME lubavitchers are normal?!