Thursday, July 16, 2009

Neturei Karta Meets Hamas

Reuters Video: "A non-Zionist ultra-orthodox Jewish delegation arrives at the Gaza Strip in order to support Islamist Hamas government."


williboy said...

Although they have a point ! but this is discosting !

chillul hashem said...

What a chillul hashem. the Rebbe was also against the 'state of Israel' but still didn't shed one drop of love to the jewish people.

Chiam said...

"but still didn't shed one drop of love to the jewish people." WHAT ????

Chillul hashem said...

ok, maybe i should be a bit clearer. the Rebbe was dead against the state, but now that we have the state the Rebbe supported them (the Prime Ministers). They would come to him for advice and the Rebbe would always help them.