Sunday, June 21, 2009

Avraham Fried Sings Tanya 1991

Israeli TV broadcast on Motzoei Shabbos an old, and rare, clip of Avraham Fried preforming one of his best known songs "Tanya" while reading the lyrics from an open Gemara. Sometime in the early 1990's.

There is a certain geshmakeit and beauty that he sings with here that unfortunately i just don't see anymore. I don't believe it's because he is incapable of performing like this anymore, i just think, that for some unknown reason he just chooses not to.

HT: ColLive.


Just wanna let u know said...

"i dont doubt its because" means, "im sure its because" so it sounds like yuor tryung to say hes now incapable. :) great vid! keep it up, man!

Anonymous said...

He gets older thats it, he is still the best, every time he sings totaly different, not like most of the new guys. Hes music, voice is real jewish!!!

Kiddush hashem!

Lucky Wolf said...

I fixed it. Thanks.

My original wording was "I don't 'think' it's because he is incapable of performing...," so that’s where the "Don't" came from!

Then I deleted the word "think" and added "Doubt" which didn't make since without first deleting the preceding "don't” like you said.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind this was nearly 20 years ago. While in fantastic shape, he's no longer a young man. But he's not "packing it in" either.