Monday, March 09, 2009

Spectacular Chazanes Concert in Ramat Gan

There is a ton of videos of this tremendous Chazanes concert, with Chazan Yitzkhak Meir Helfgot, Israel Rand, Yaakov Motzan and more, a men's choir and a beautiful and professional children's choir, accompanied with an amazing multi piece orchestra.

Concert was in park Ramat Gan, July 17, 2008.
Symphonic Orchestra of Ramat Gan.
Conductor: Rafael Biton.
Arranged by Matanel Vakhtang.

There are a lot of really beautiful moments on captured on these videos.
Below is a few clips. Click here for the full 19 videos!

Singing a medley, Shalom... Hashiveinu ...Yismechu bemalchutekha...

Ana Bekhoach.

Nessun Dorma with Itche Mair.

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