Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Shmais News: Missionaries Attack Chief Rabbi of Arad

Missionaries in Arad plumbed new depths this week with a savage attack on the local Chief Rabbi and member of Beis Din Rabbanei Chabad, Rabbi Benzion Lipsker. Rabbi Lipsker was in the local market, not far from a stand that was being operated by missionaries. To the astonishment of many bystanders, one of the missionaries suddenly attacked Rabbi Lipsker, giving him a very hard push. The missionaries were handing out material at the time, and they were apparently worried that Rabbi Lipsker was about to warn the public not to take the leaflets.

This video found on the web seems to be the story reported above by and


Anonymous said...

Amazing how each side see it differently. This RAbbi was harrassing christians, just more hewish hate and lies on this sight.

Anonymous said...

More jewish harrassment of christians

Anonymous said...

I was there. The Rabbi assaulted the woman with the camera. She did nothing to him but take his picture!

Lucky Wolf said...

we Jews only hate those that cause destruction and hatred themselves.

we do respect Christianity and we don't encourage christens or any other religion to convert to Judaism. as a matter of a fact according to jewish law it takes a whole lot of persuasion from the individual to receive a conversion.

it is you who tries to convince others (and as i understand yourself included), to leave their religion and become christens.

thats causes destruction that is hatred!