Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The World Series in Israel

Politics to Israelis is like sports to Americans.
They get so involved. Especially now with the elections, to see all the Israeli bochurim get all excited. It reminds of like when a big sports event takes place in the US.
At least once in every four years, just like the Olympics.
They don't really have any sports, so good for them!


Anonymous said...

I thought kadur regel...

Anonymous said...

yea soccer is too, but politics takes home the biggest slice of pie

Pragmatician said...

it's also slightly more intellectual, although I don't know if less violent than sports.

Lucky Wolf said...

"although I don't know if less violent than sports".

yeah, in israel politics is all about violence. ;-)

Lucky Wolf said...

the Israelis that i know even the ones that are sports fans are not too passionate about it.
but most importantly there is no baseball in israel, none of the other sports have the excitement and intensity that baseball has.
the only time they could experience this intenseness is during a political election.

Anonymous said...

hey toothie, i think you've caught spring fever, baseball season is in the air.