Wednesday, March 01, 2006

When I Really Needed A Blog!

Tonight I was sitting and Bull Shoving with my friends about some of the memories of last year in yeshiva Y.O.E.C. LA CA. There was so much action, so much entertainment happening there every day. How I wished then that I had a blog. I was unfortunately then uninformed about Blogspot (which I guess was a good thing from a Yeshiva perspective).
there was so much to write.

Besides for missing out last year on all the fun of writing them, I'm currently missing out on reading about all the great and exciting stories I would of written back then.
However I could still write about some of the memories of which I still remember for the time being.


Anonymous said...

so you're reliving them in 1 and 0 (computer language 1001011100100110) instead of "livetime" with your chavrusah, bec. you're to tired from your online memories.

Lucky Wolf said...

oh boy,starting up again!