Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Tangy Taffy

I was tempted for something sweet so I walked to the back of zal to go get something from the snack machine. After thinking for a few moments I finally made my decision, put a quarter in the slot and pressed the code which would release the tangy taffy which would be chewed in my mouth in just a few seconds.
To my disappointment and frustration the tangy taffy which was in front and leading all the other tangy taffies was in the number two hole!
I really wanted that tangy taffy so I stuck my hand in my pocket for another quarter, but there aint no other quarter!

That’s the end of my story.


Anonymous said...

Can I make a donation?

Such a sad story... almost brought tears to my eyes... but thank g-d I caught myself.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I didn't mean that to sound offensive...

I was really kidding... but now that I read it over, it sounds like I didnt like ur post. But I really did. How can I make it up to ya?

Lucky Wolf said...

actually thanks for your consoling comment.
i found the owner of the machine today and he reimbursed me, but i'll take a donaton any time, since like you said you want to make up for it.

Anonymous said...

You got it.
Where do I direct my funds?

Lucky Wolf said...

you can email me your credit info!