Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Communism + Yeshiva + Test = Lie and Cheat!

Yesterday we got back our test papers which were taken last week. A bochur who noticed my grade, complimented me. I told him he should compliment my cheating skills. He looked at me with surprise!
I explained him that when you don't cheat, you are in fact causing most of your peers to be the cheaters instead!

Basically in our yeshiva almost everyone cheats, so if you are not cheating - and by cheating I refer mainly (but not limited) “to look into your books” - you are causing everyone else’s grades to be inaccurate. If however you cheat like the rest of them then all of the grades are all based on the same level, and since all are cheating, none are cheating!

If the objective of our grades were to receive a degree or something then I might feel otherwise, but being that the mark on our grades are basically only for the staff to see that you're keeping up with the rest of your class, then the only way to go is by following the rest.
Like I always say, the rule they had in communist Russia which was that "the only way to survive is through lying and stealing" applies to bochurem in yeshiva as well!


Pragmatician said...

I cheated so much in school (yeshivah Ketana), especially for Math and thanks to it I didn't fail math, spared myself a huge embarrassment,and clearly I have not become a mathematician.
So why not? The teacher couldn’t have cared less and I wasn’t sad, my parents weren't sad and my grand parents were proud.
A win win, no?

Lucky Wolf said...

Totally! you said it perfectly.
my teacher almost "supports" cheating, cause the faster we're done the faster he is.

Anonymous said...

but if the grades are for yourself, to know where you're holding, then you shouldn't need to cheat, you konw wheter you learnt or not (and most probably hanholo knows as well) the test is just for you to know how well you retain information. it's funny that the mashgiach decided to make the test harder, bec. everyone was passing with flying colors, so basically, the cheaters will do jst as well, but, the "honest" bochurim, will be getting lower grades.

Lucky Wolf said...

"it's funny that the mashgiach decided to make the test harder, bec. everyone was passing with flying colors, so basically, the cheaters will do jst as well, but, the "honest" bochurim, will be getting lower grades".

that’s exactly my point.
it will only be fair if everyone cheats. so therefore "cheat" everyone.

Anonymous said...

or if everyone stops cheating.

Lucky Wolf said...

that's impossible.

Anonymous said...

thats where you're wrong, its not impossible, as Lubavitcher chassidim, we should know that. it just takes one mitzvah to bring moshiach, on the one hand bec. that one mitzvah itself tips the scales, but from a different perspective, mitvah goreres mitzvah, you're one mitzvah causes you to add in mitzvos and those around you change also. if you stop cheating and convince someone else to also, it will be a peulah nimsheches. (i hope i don't make myself a hypocrite tomorrow on the test.)

Lucky Wolf said...

you're missing the point. the point is that cheating IS the mitzvah!

Anonymous said...

hmm, im gonna have to ponder that one a little bit.

sara said...

WRONG! IT IS WRONG TO CHEAT! Youd feel more accomplished if u didnt cheat, i wish people would next time think next time!

Lucky Wolf said...

sorry, but you're about 4 years and seven months too late!

sara said...

i know, thats why i wrote it. so you would know that what you did is wrong and tell your other friends who are 4 years and 7 months younger then you nit to make the same mistake!

sara said...

... because it always bothers me when i see or hear this kind of stuff :...(