Monday, October 21, 2024

Itzik Dadya - Tamid Ohev Oti (Cover)

Written and composed by: Yair Elitzur
Chorus written by: Yair Elitzur and HaRav Shalom Arush
Chorus composed by: Yair Elitzur and HaRav Oren Levy
Prod by: Yair and Eyal Shriki

Historic Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Ratzfert, Hungary

Watch special moments from the historic and joyous הכנסת ספר תורה in Ratzfert / Ujfeherto, Hungary. Be inspired by the dancing, singing, and excitement as a Sefer Torah was brought to this town for the first time in over 80 years!

This incredible event took place during עשרת ימי תשובה תשפ"ה, when hundreds of Yidden from around the world gathered to join in the celebration and the שמחת התורה. This video is just a glimpse into this day filled with קדושה and שמחה, with an even more in-depth overview of these beautiful moments to come.

The event holds special significance as the Sefer Torah was donated by an Einikel of the Tzaddik Reb Hertzka'la of Ratzfert, זי"ע. Reb Hertzka'la was known as a Poel Yeshuos to countless Yidden who came to the Tzaddik for his Brachos. His memory is still alive, and to this day, many Yidden experience yeshuos in his Zechus, by coming and devening at his Tzion.

Reb Hertzkala’s yahrzeit falls on Erev Yom Kippur, and Yidden continue to visit his kever in Ratzfert year after year, and staying over for Yom Kippur in the Hachnosas Orchim of Raztfert.

In honor of Reb Hertzka'la’s memory, his Einikel, R’ Chaim Avrum Brach, donated this Sefer Torah. This Hachnosas Sefer Torah was a truly special moment, bringing Torah and joy back to town with deep connections to the tzadik.

Stay tuned for a more detailed look at this day of Simcha, Tefillah and joy!

Monday, October 14, 2024

TYH Presents: Halo - Ohad Moskowitz

Halo Halo Halo! This song is a call to every Yid to get on the Ahavas Yisroel bandwagon!

Come ride along with international singing sensation Ohad Moskovitz, as we celebrate the eternal bond that we have with one another and with Hashem.

One Heart beating collectively through all of us, yearning to come close to our One Father.

Composed by the Blumstein Brothers
Produced and Arranged by Mendy Portnoy
Ohads vocals recorded by Mendy Lipsker at Galim Records
Single Artwork Yakov Josephy
Video produced by OlamMedia

Meloich - Tosh - Bentzy Weberman

Composed by Shulem Mechel Orgal
Music: Bentzy Podrigal
Mix: Cheskie Fish
Recorded by Moshe Yaakob

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Join as We Help Rebuild Their Lives & Fams With Stability

 Help our nation’s Women of Valor rebuild! Their husbands Hy”d perished on the front lines.

*They’re all alone now, struggling to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. We can’t leave them alone* ! 

For some, it’s supermarket vouchers because their main breadwinner is gone.

For others, it’s free babysitting or extra-curricular activities to keep the kids occupied while Mommy takes care of the thousand-and-one things that mommies have to do.

Your gift of love shows our war almanos and yesomim that we care, and we won’t leave them alone. 

Now, more than ever, Klal Yisrael must stand together.

*For our fallen heroes. For their courageous wives and children. For one another* 

Donate now

Cantor Yaakov Stark - Cantorial Classics - Tefilas Geshem

Meir Briskman presents: Cantorial Classics - Geshem

Chazzan Yaakov Stark in a heartfelt performance of “Tefilas Geshem” by Jacob Rappaport/Moshe Ganchoff.

In continuation of the successful “Cantorial Classics” series and in preparation for the upcoming Yom Tov Sukkos and winter season, Chazzan Yaakov Stark releases an emotional and heartfelt rendition of “Tefilas Geshem,” originally performed by Cantor Moshe Ganchoff and composed by Jacob Rappaport.

Cantor Stark has dedicated this performance of “Tefilat Geshem” to the people of Eretz Yisroel after a year of great suffering, beginning with the horrific massacre and the captives who have not yet returned home. With his pleading voice, he brings to life the words that have gained even deeper meaning in recent times: “Their blood was spilled like water,” urging us to ask Hashem once again, “Turn to us, as our souls are overwhelmed by water.”

As always, this is a high-quality production, directed by conductor and arranger Meir Briskman. Chazzan Stark is accompanied on piano by the internationally renowned Menachem Bristowski, along with the ‘Core Music Collective’ choir.

Produced, arranged and conducted by Meir Briskman.
Piano: Menachem Bristowski.
Choir: Core Music Collective.
Musical Director: Meir Briskman.

Coordinator: Nava Sahar.
First Tenor: Daniel Portnoy, Michael Bachner.
Second Tenor: Jake Halperin, Tom Karni.
Baritone: Rea Livnat, Yoav Hoze.
Bass: Dor Magen, Yoav Weiss.

Video credits:
Post production mix and master: Zohar Zaltz at Eshel Studios Tel Aviv.
Production: Camelcopter.
Directing, filming, editing and color: Yair Mazar and Sagiv Avramov
Gaffer: Amit Neeman.
Filming location: The Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Shaya Lebron & Chevraya Choir • Mendy H. Band

Hashem’s desire for our Teshuva is immeasurable. He waits for our return more than a father longs for his son. No matter how far we may have strayed, Hashem's love for us is unwavering. What makes our Teshuva even more powerful is the Shira we offer to Hashem, as He constantly yearns to hear from us. The Aseres Y'mei Teshuva is a time to focus on taking those steps back towards Hashem, through Teshuva and Tefila, knowing He is always ready to forgive and renew our connection with Him.

“Tumid,” Shaya Lebron’s debut music video, beautifully captures this message. In collaboration with the renowned Mendy Hershkowitz Band and the harmonious Chevraya Choir, Shaya’s soulful vocals breathe life into the theme of Hashem's endless love for us. Watch, share and let “Tumid” inspire your journey of return.

Sung By: Shaya Lebron
Choir By: Chevraya Choir
Music By: Mendy Hershkowitz Band
VIdeoagrapher: Motti Engel
Video Edited By: Hershy Segal
Mixed By: Sonic Duo
Composed By: Pinky Weber Originally Sung By: Mendy Werdyger

Yehuda Green Selichos - 2024 - Official Full Video

Hundreds of Jews from all Walks of Life Attended Yehuda Green Selichos on Motzei Shabbos September 29. 2024 at West Side Institutional Synagogue in Manhattan