Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Olam - Album Sampler

Music—it's the universal language that connects us all. A niggun carries depth beyond time and place, transcending borders and generations. This album brings together the biggest Jewish voices and musical talents from around the world, uniting them in one extraordinary project. As you listen, let every note transport you into a world of harmony.

Olam is a breathtaking musical journey featuring an incredible lineup of Jewish music’s biggest voices. This album brings together the legendary Avraham Fried, Benny Friedman, Motty Steinmetz, Harav Hillel Palei, Yoeli Greenfeld, Zanvil Weinberger, Meir Adler, Moti ilowitz, Baruch Levine, Yanky Deskal, Dovy Meisels, Yehuda Green, Meilech Braunstein, Shlome Daskal, Yesoschor Guttman, and Ahrele Samet—each adding their unique talent to this masterpiece.

With soulful melodies, uplifting harmonies, and powerful compositions, Olam captures the essence of timeless Jewish music, offering inspiration and emotion in every song. A must-listen for every music lover!

A Dididum Studios Production


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Released Hostage Sasha Trufanov dons Tefilin

Alexandre (“Sasha”) Troufanov, who was released yesterday from Hamas captivity in Gaza, put on tefillin for the first time on Sunday, with the help of Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar.

Lazar gave Troufanov, who is a dual citizen of Israel and Russia, a tefillin set and a Chumash—a copy of the Torah in book form—the Charedim 10 news site reported. In a video conversation on Sunday, Troufanov thanked Lazar for working to free him and other hostages.

“I truly appreciate everything you have done. You are wonderful people, you have a huge heart and strong faith. Thank you for all the support and encouragement for my mother during this difficult time. I would love to meet you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I continue to hear about everything you have done,” Troufanov told Lazar, who is a Chabad rabbi.

Tefillin sets consist of scrolls, small boxes and leather straps that men use to affix the boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah to their head and forearm while praying, typically during morning prayers. Chabad rabbis are known for encouraging this custom among Jews.

Lazar, who has tied to many high-ranking Russian officials, has lobbied to have Moscow use its influence in the Arab world to ensure the release of Troufanov, 29, and another Russian citizen, Maxim Herkin, 36, who is still being held hostage in Gaza.

On Friday, Troufanov’s mother, Yelena, asked the people of Israel to light Shabbat candles and pray for the safe return of all captives.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Shmulik Sukkot - Tedaber Ito

Composed by Bentzi Stein

Deadline: Oorah Early Bird Raffle Today! Win 5K Bonus

Deadline: Early Bird Raffle Today! Win A Bonus $5,000 In The Oorah Auction!

  Enter the Oorah Auction TODAY, February   13th, and you’ll be automatically entered into a   bonus early bird raffle for $5,000 (plus a free        bird)!

  All tickets are still only $5! Win $36,000, a          home makeover, an Amazon spree, and more!

   Don’t miss out on this chance! The deadline is    today, 2/13/24! Enter NOW to get             automatically    entered into the early bird           raffle for $5,000.

Go to oorahauction.org or call 1.877.AUCTION now to enter.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

CHAZAQ Truly Touches Them All!

CHAZAQ: Born in Queens. Inspiring the World.

Tens of thousands of people from

Every walk of life, age,

Affiliation & background,

are touched by CHAZAQ programs and services every single year……

CHAZAQ truly touches them all!

From our

● Shaping Lives Program that educates public school children in 20 locations around the United States,
● JWave Teens Division that keeps youth off the streets and brings them to a safe and educational environment in seven different locations,
● PSTY (Public School to Yeshiva) Division where families are guided to transferring their Children from Public school to Yeshiva,
● World Wide Lectures inspiring thousands weekly,
● Kollel Zichron Moshe in New York, molding the future leaders of the community,
● Kollel Ohr Aviel in Jerusalem, where future Rabbinic Judges are being trained.

CHAZAQ Connections- turning singles into couples

And much more!!!

CHAZAQ truly touches them all!


Sunday, February 09, 2025

Shasathon Live Siyum Celebration Live - Starting 6:45PM

Shasathon Live Siyum Celebration starting 6:45pm

Today, over six hundred Lomdim joined together with one voice to complete Shas, channeling the power of Torah to give new life to couples still dreaming, still hoping, still waiting...

Watch the inspiring Hadran by Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner שליט”א, Raavad Kehilas Hachareidim London

Live music featuring:
Beri Weber
Acoustic Tribute by Ishay Ribo

Lomir Dertzeilen - Arele Samet. ft Aron Razel

A tasting of Arele Samet's eagerly awaited upcoming album

The album features carefully selected songs from top Hasidic composers, performed to a high standard with the flavor of authentic Jewish music

The final track, presented here, is a collaboration with artist and composer Rabbi Aharon Razel, known for his unique style. He composed this moving song using the holy words of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev זיע"א.

Listen & Enjoy

LIVE: Shas-A-Thon - The Entire Shas in One Day

Igniting Hope for Couples Waiting for the Promise of Parenthood

This Sunday, February 9, we unite to complete the entire Shas in one day—bringing hope, awareness, and assistance to Klal Yisrael’s couples struggling with infertility. Streaming Live All Day at Shasathon.org

All-Day Program:
התחלת הש"ס – AM 10:30
2:45 PM – Second Seder
6:45 PM – Siyum HaShas & Celebration & Live Concert
10:00 PM – Kumzitz & Dancing

--- Me’Sayem HaShas:
Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner, Raavad Kehilas Hachareidim, London

Live Music Featuring:
Beri Weber
Acoustic Tribute by Ishay Ribo

Friday, February 07, 2025

Shmulik Sukkot & friends "Mikdash Melech"

"אבי ריימי & יאיר בודנר מארחים את שמוליק סוכות מתוך פרוייקט "ממתק לשבת

Sasson Ifram Shaulov "Tamid Ohev Oti" with Rabbi Arush

תמיד אוהב אותי | ששון איפרם שאולוב (הופעה חיה) עם הרב שלום ארוש והרב יהושע מרגלית

מילים של הפזמון : הרב שלום ארוש ויאיר אליצור
לחן פזמון : יאיר אליצור והרב אורן לוי 
 מילים ולחן : יאיר אליצור