Friday, January 24, 2025

What Happens Right Before Shabbos in Israel?

In many communities all round Israel, music is played in the streets, prior to the arrival of Shabbos.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Motty Steinmetz Breslover Eishis Chayil

Aviad - Ima Toda

מילים ולחן: אביעד דרף, אפי שיינר

Trump's US UN Ambassador Rep. Elise Stefanik on Israel

Nachi Goes Backstage at HASC Concert

Nachi Gordon goes backstage at the HASC concert to learn more about the event and meet up with friends, including Benny Friedman, Yonatan Razel, and Eli Schwebel.

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Monday, January 20, 2025

HASC 38: Yigal Calek Tribute

Avraham Fried, Benny Friedman & Rivie Schwebel

Shuli Rand | “If I Was A Rich Man” from Fiddler on the Roof

Maran Harav Lando In-depth Farher - Shas Yiden 2024

Shas Yiden celebrate their 16th Annual Shas Siyumim with a double farher on the entire Shas. Maran Hagaon Hagadol Harav Lando, Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka, challenged them with in-depth heicha timtzas from throughout the entire Shas.

At the conclusion Rav Lando: “Haflei va’felleh. They are outstanding in the study of Torah… they have just demonstrated that it is as if the entire Shas is contained in their pockets!"

Another Kiddush Hashem video of the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim - A must view for lomdei and ohavei Torah. To watch the dynamic farheren and Siyumim of Shas Yiden, and to read the full article click here

Yeedle and Nachman Dreyer - Motzi Asirim (acoustic)

Yeedle writes: "With the fate of the hostages on the forefront of our minds and trying to navigate the maze of conflicting emotions in these tumultuous times, I took a trip to the kever of my rebbe, the Ribnitzer Rebbe. Once in Monsey, I stopped off at my friend, the incredibly gifted guitarist Nachman Dreyer, and we just sang my "Motzi Asirim" over and over, finding comfort in the lyrics and stirring melody. I share this informal acoustic jam as I hope it will give words to your feelings and serve as a heartfelt tefillah."

Song composed by Yitzchok Fuchs

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Acheinu Kol Beis Yisrael - Dirshu London

בתקופה שבה עם ישראל כולו מתפלל לשלומם של כל יהודי העולם, ברגע השיא במעמד חיזוק לימוד התורה שנערך בלונדון, מוטי שטיינמץ, זאנוויל וינברגר, הערשי וינברגר, וברוך לוין, שרו יחד את "אחינו כל בית ישראל" בביצוע מחודש ויוצא דופן של תפילה זו ע"י מונה רוזנבלום, על השיר של מרדכי בן דוד Crack of Dawn וחיברו אותו לתפילה משותפת מיוחדת ימים אלו

"Crack of Dawn" originally recorded by MBD, Composed by Yossi Green. Arranged by Moshe Mona Rosenblum.

Friday, January 17, 2025

See inside a 'Super Scooper' Fighting Wildfires in California

As multiple fires continue to rage in the Los Angeles area, Bridger Aerospace, gave CNN a tour of their aircraft called the “Super Scooper,” which is currently assisting California in firefighting efforts.