Sunday, December 29, 2024

Baleicht Aleh Velten - Hershy Weinberger - Dirshu Live

In the town of Lublin, the residents sought guidance from the revered Chozeh about a person they believed was spreading harmful rumors. Surprisingly, when they showed the Chozeh the name of the accused, he declared this person to be a tzaddik, radiant with goodness. Confused, the townsfolk visited the slanderer’s home and found him lighting the menorah. Intrigued, they returned to the Chozeh, who explained that the act of lighting a menorah fills the world with great light. “When a Yid lights Chanukah lecht,” he proclaimed, “he lights up the entire world and shines and shines!”

This story serves as a reminder that seemingly small mitzvos, such as lighting the menorah, are deeply significant to Hashem and cast a spiritual light that illuminates the world.

Original Music Video

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