Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Reb Gedalia Miller Founder of Kesher Nafshi

Thanks to Kesher Nafshi, thousands of parents have learned the language of Crisis Chinuch Intervention. They have received support, clarity, guidance, and inspiration. Additionally, thousands of teachers and mechanchim have better understood how to approach such situations thanks to educational seminars and programs.

With love and support, they can regain their composure, piece together the broken shards of their lives, and build anew. They can also construct bridges to reunite their families once again.

Kesher Nafshi offers families a lifeline by providing

Family Support
Shabatons & Retreats
parent support Groups
Sibling Support Groups
Educational Programs
Training Seminars
Guidance Chizuk Library

And much more to come. Kesher Nafshi is expanding its reach to meet the needs of thousands of families worldwide. But we need your help in building those Bridges of love and support

Kesher Nafshi Musical Panel: Shlomo Asher Tauber - Mordechai Weinberger - Volvy Tauber, At the Kesher Nafshi Shabbathon 2024

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