Thursday, February 22, 2024


Anyone who has ever experienced a medical crisis R”L is well aware of the impact that this ordeal has on the entire family.

Whether the patient is one of the parents or one of the children, the time, energy, focus, and resources that are devoted to their recovery and wellbeing, create a dramatic void at home that often leave long-lasting damage to the rest of the family.

When father and mother spend their days and nights in the hospital, regular family life comes to a halt. Household chores like preparing food or doing laundry cannot be completed. The children don't receive the love and attention they deserve. The crisis consumes the family, leaving them isolated, broken, and struggling.

During this critical time, Kapayim is the shoulder they lean on!

With ranks that include almost a thousand volunteers, the group goes into these homes and steps in. Whether it’s cooking dinner, bathing the kids, cleaning up, handling bedtime with love, taking them to their after-school appointments, or truly anything they need, Kapayim is there, ready to serve.

Kapayim also takes over some of the hospital duties, taking on shifts so that parents can get a break, and breathing life into the patients during their lowest moments.

In recent years, Kapayim opened multiple centers — named The Cabins — in Lakewood, Boro Park, Monsey and Williamsburg. The Cabins are outfitted with games, toys, reading material, and other items that welcome children — both patients and siblings — into a warm, peaceful, and welcoming environment: a reprieve from the challenges of their life.

But these services don’t come cheap. The annual budget is growing and Kapayim can’t shoulder this burden alone!

Today we urge you to please stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow community members to bring relief to the families of Cholei Yisroel.
Your kindness and generosity will leave a life-long impact that cannot possibly be measured, and will be the gift that keeps on giving for those facing the unimaginable.

Let’s help shoulder the burden — together!

Thank you for your support.

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