Monday, November 06, 2023

Ari Goldwag-Yitzy Kaplowitz -Ana Hashem Anenu

Ari Goldwag & Yitzy Kaplowitz - Ana Hashem Anenu - Featuring Yeshivat Shaalvim - Israel

Like everyone else here in Israel, we here in Beit Shemesh were running back and forth from Hakafos to shelter as the sirens were blaring. It was hard to focus on the words we were saying. Afterwards it became clear how important those words were, and they form the foundation of this song. It is our humble contribution to the Jewish people during this difficult time. Let us strengthen ourselves in kindness and in prayer.

It is especially meaningful to all of us here in Eretz Yisrael how much of an outpouring of support there is - not only within Israel for the soldiers - but from outside of Israel from those around the world who are asking about our welfare and sending concrete aid. This song is a duet between a resident of Israel (Ari Goldwag) and a resident of the United States (Yitzy Kaplowitz). We know it is a tremendously difficult time, but this is a time of prayer and nothing moves us like music does.

In the very first week of the war, I was asked to sing and inspire (as I've done in the past) at Yeshivat Shaalvim, here in Israel. I would like to thank the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Ari Waxman for his permission to film the bochurim singing this new song, and for their willingness to be included in the video.

Song composed by Yitzy Kaplowitz.       

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