Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Standing Side-by-Side With Cancer Patients

Standing Side-by-Side With Cancer Patients

Providing Them With Hope as They Fight For Their Lives

The Cholim of Eretz Yisroel Are Turning to Us

Sadly, hearing the heartbreaking news that one of our brothers or sisters in Eretz Yisroel is suffering with the dreaded disease is not an uncommon occurrence.

These unfortunate people are facing months of difficult testing, painful procedures, and harrowing treatments. There are many obstacles along the road to recovery. Entire families have their lives turned upside down as they deal with their new reality.

They need our help and support – financially, emotionally and practically - to navigate the perilous road ahead.

RCY Answers The Call

Rofeh Cholim Yerushalayim (RCY) – a branch of Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) – was founded with a goal of providing cancer patients in Israel with all the services RCCS offers their counterparts in the United States.

RCY is there for cholei Eretz Yisroel every step of the way. They assist them in navigating the bureaucracy of the Israeli health care system, finding the best doctors, obtaining access to the necessary tests, procuring spots in the top medical facilities, arranging treatments, and expediting every part of the process of emerging from dark hopelessness to a brighter future. Every cancer patient in Israel can be assured that RCY will make sure they receive the best care in the most expedient manner.

Not only does RCY stand at the side of the patient, they also provide the family with whatever they need to remain afloat during this difficult time, granting them an array of services to assist with their finances, emotional wellbeing and practical state of affairs.

No Patient Left Behind

In the last year alone, RCY has help 1,325 patients in Eretz Yisroel, of whom 780 were newly diagnosed with cancer. Boruch Hashem, many are now on the road to making a full recovery.

Earn a Share in This Lifesaving Work!

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