Monday, August 28, 2023

A Royal Compilation Ft. Berko Brothers, Shira, Yingerlech

A Bridge to London. A Salute to Yigal Calek.

The London School of Jewish Song has brought us many classical melodies that we have enjoyed over the years. They are some of the most nostalgic tunes sung at many occasions.

Avrumi Berko and his Production accompanied by Shea Berko, The Shira Choir and Yingerlech performed some of his many hits on stage. These songs are a collection of just a few of the hits that we have come to appreciate.

Pada Besholom - Yigal Calek
Be'ein Meilitz Yosher - Yisroel Craimer
Yikum Purkon - Reb Yissochor Lichtig
Koh Amar - Yossi Green
Mareh Kohen - Yigal Calek

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent job