Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Shmily Morgenstern Story - Chaim Medical 2023

No fight too hard.
No distance too far.

Every day, Chaim Medical Resource answers the call of cholei Yisroel who have nowhere else to turn

A 36-year-old mother who wants to raise her children

A 60-years-young grandfather who wants to see his grandchildren get married and establish families

An innocent 6-year-old boy who begs to go back to cheder; and so many others.

Chaim Medical answers their call.
Our 75 staff members
In 19 medical departments
Answer some 800 calls each day.

We are UNSTOPPABLE. We let nothing stand in our way. The most dire prognosis, the most pessimistic doctor, the most elusive cure, does not stop us. We move mountains and leave no stone unturned in our quest to save a life.


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