Thursday, September 22, 2022

Project Focus Presents: 8th Day - "Look Up"

In their newest music video, 8th Day reminds us to always Look Up!

In a world filled with distractions, it’s hard for us to focus on what really matters. Most of us have been there, mindlessly absorbed in our phones, and missing out on so much. “The mission of Project Focus is to encourage you to stop looking down at your phone, and Look Up instead,” explains Shmuli Rosenberg, the song’s composer and producer of the video. “That’s what the song is all about.”

The accompanying music video depicts a variety of people, around the world, in everyday situations who are looking down, until 8th Day comes along and reminds them to Look Up.

One of the song’s more intriguing lyrics proclaims: “I lift my eyes and see, there's a big world made for me, it's my life, and it's MY life that's worth living.” “All too often we miss out on the best moments of our own lives because we’re not looking up,” says Bentzi Marcus, “each of us has our own unique purpose, mission and life that we need to live.”

“This is the perfect message for this time of year,” Shmuli Rosenberg concluded, “we lose focus throughout the year, and on Rosh HaShanah we need to regain our focus and Look Up. We hope that people take this message to heart and share it with each other.”

Project Focus is a global movement whose mission it is to inspire people to stay focused and mindful every movement of their lives, and not miss out on what really matters. To learn more about the Project Focus and for inspiring messages, videos and tips visit

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