Sunday, June 12, 2022

Hanochas Even Hapinah for Bobov-45 Beis Medrash

June 8, 2022 is a day that will live long in the memories of Bobov-45 Chasidim and the entire Boro Park community. On this day, the Chasidus officially embarked on an unprecedented and historic project to build a new Beis Medrash and kehillah headquarters that will be among the largest anywhere in the world.

17 years after the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership, thousands of Chasidim, young and old, from near and far, gathered to witness this momentous occasion and share in the great simcha as they witnessed these ambitious plans formally become a reality. At the designated time, the crowd, joined by many members of the general Boro Park community and led by a dais seating the leading Rabbanim and gedolim in our midst, began streaming to the center of town at 14th Ave. and 49th St., site of the massive construction efforts.

This video offers viewers a glimpse at this historic event and a lens into the great joy experienced by Bobov-45, as well as the entire community who stands to benefit from this new center of Torah and tefilah, during this monumental time.

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