Sunday, May 01, 2022

With Your Generosity, Shloimy Will Live!

I hope that you’ll never have to worry about such a thing in your life.

I don’t just worry about it.

I live it 24/7.

Every time I gaze at my baby, every time I caress his soft cheek, I fear that it will be the last time.

Please click here to help shloimy

Our Shloimy was born with a severe heart defect.

He’s only 4 months old, but he’s already underwent open heart surgery and had a stent inserted.

He needs our tefillos desperately!

Every day of life is another miracle, and we’re so grateful for what we have, but it doesn’t make coping with our reality any easier.

Our house is falling apart. Everything is falling apart.

Since the birth, both my husband and I stopped working, because we have to take turns being in the hospital 24/7 with the baby and caring for the family.

Please click here to help shloimy

Shloimy is our ninth child, ba”h, and we have 8 young kids who need normal meals, a functioning house, and attention.

Please, I’m begging you! Help us before it’s too late!

Help us cover the costs of Shloimy’s life-saving medical care!

Help us afford the basics and cover the mountain of debt that’s accumulated since the birth…

May Hashem repay you for your kindness, and you should always be among the givers of our nation!

Please click here to help shloimy

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