Sunday, April 25, 2021

Avraham Fried and MBD Join Hatzolah

The 2nd Hatzalah-thon event will stream live around the world and will include the completion of the second Unity Torah, begun during the pandemic.

The Hatzalah-thon is part of a week of appreciation for Hatzalah, and will raise millions for Hatzalah branches around the world. Click here to donate now.

The Hatzalah-thon will feature an all-star lineup of performers, including Ishay Ribo, Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, Benny Elbaz, 8th Day – the brothers Shmuli and Bentzi Marcus, Mordechai Shapiro and Motty Steinmetz.

To purchase a letter in the Torah which is uniting Jews around the world, visit

Tune in to the Hatzalah-thon event, Thursday, April 29, 2021

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