Sunday, September 06, 2020

Teshuvah Tefillah - Sruly Green & Melech Frank

As the Yumim Noiruim approach us, it is only appropriate to mention what our Rebbes have taught us, that, Teshiva Tefila and Tzedaka can only be achieved thru true Simcha.

Therefore it is perfect timing for a colab between the two great singers Sruly Green and Melech Frank, two very close friends, who get together weekly, (almost daily:) with friends to Kumzits, sing and dance.

Sruly & Melech decided to take the Kumzitz energy and spice it up with an “Elul Simcha” and share it with the world.

Therefore the best way bringing this out, would be with a beautiful Yiddish oldie by Lipa Schmeltzer.

Together Sruly & Melech approached Lipa Schmeltzer who gave them his blessing and permission to cover his famous song “Uteshuva Utefila Utzedaka”, song #10 from his album “Letova”.

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