Saturday, February 22, 2020

Laasos – Moishy Schwartz & Yanky Green

New hit song “Laasos” from Yingerlich performed live at the 2020 OJPAC Appreciation Event by lead vocalist/guitarist Moishy Schwartz and child soloist Yanky Green.

‎לעשות רצונך אלוקי חפצתי
‎ווייל וואס דער אייבערשטער הייסט
‎ווייל וואס דער אייבערשטער זאגט
‎אזוי, נאר אזוי וויל איך טון

Arranged by Moishy Schwartz Production, and joined by Moishy Glick (keys), Meir Loffler (Percussions), and Meyer Rosenbaum (Flute).

Post production: Shloimy Wechter & BYG, Mixed and mastered by Shloimy Wechter.
Filmed and edited:  Shmily Steinberg/Shoot Studios. Still shots: Moshe Grunfeld.

The song was first recorded by Yingerlich Choir and composed by Hershy Wienberger.

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