Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Jerusalem Boys Choir - Super Trump

 The Jerusalem Boys Choir released a song about President Trump, in which they praise him as “Super Trump.”

In the video, the group of children sing about the U.S. president’s support of Israel. They’re heard but not seen; the video is a montage of Trump. His headshot flips on screen throughout, as does the video of him standing by the Western Wall. They sing in unison:

“If the whole world stands against us, and only Micronesia is rooting for us. When the sons of Ishmael harm our land, don’t you worry, Trump takes a stand.”

Three-quarters of American Jews are Democrats, but many Israelis have embraced Trump, citing policies they see as favorable toward the Jewish state, such as moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Several municipalities are contemplating naming public places after Trump.

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