Sunday, December 30, 2018

Yeshivas Stolin Karlin of Lakewood is Counting on You

For the next 36 Hours , Every dollar you donate will be DOUBLED!

For every $1 you give, our Yeshiva will receive another $1 from our generous matchers, as long as we reach our GOAL of $360,000.

 Please DONATE generously and  help us reach our GOAL!

Yeshiva Stolin Karlin of Lakewood began as just a dream. Building upon the unique Stoliner Chinuch, our Cheder was established 4 years ago. Our dedicated Menahalim & Rebbeim provide a stellar chinuch where they infuse our Talmidim with a geshmak & a bren, as they guide them to grow into Bnei Torah and Bnei Aliya.

We have recently purchased a property and put up a large building to house our Cheder for the next few years, at the cost of close to $2 Million. The spacious classrooms & beautiful yard allow our over 100 Talmidim to learn & shteig in comfort.

Building a new Cheder from the ground up is no easy feat. The costs are staggering. The workload and אחריות is enormous. ‘ה has shown us רחמים וחסדים every step of the way thus far & will Iy”h continue to help us in our Avodas Hakodesh.

We turn to you to partner with us so that we can continue to focus on the Chinuch of our Tayere Talmidim. Please join this campaign and together we will reach our goal.

Donate Online by Clicking Here or call 732 352 3600

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