Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Chanukah 5779 News & Entertainment Collection

Menorahs Throughout History - The Israel Museum in Jerusalem holds a unique collection of Chanukah Menorahs that tells the story of the Jewish people throughout different times and places.

Late-night talk show host Seth Meyers' 2-year-old son Ashe is a pro when it comes to lighting the menorah.

Ice Menorah Carving on 5th Avenue NYC

Happy Hanukkah: Eight-day Jewish festival of lights begins Sunday - Hanukkah begins Sunday night. It is the Jewish eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods.

Understanding The Significance Of Chanukah. Rabbi Mendy Schapiro, the co-director of Chabad Jewish Center in Monroeville, explains the significance of Hanukkah. CBS Pittsburgh.

Surprise at Utah Capitol Menorah Lighting

A young Lubavitcher Bochur dances with an older person in NYC, spreading the light of Chanukah to others.

A group of Lubavitcher dance at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, during the baseball winter meetings.

Mitzva Tank Parade in NYC

Chanukah Parade and Snow Festival 2018 - Brevard, Florida.

Caught on Camera, Rabinical Students Dancing outside their vehicle

Citywalk Chanukah 2018

Old City Walls of Jerusalem

The Ultimate Potato Latkes Recipe (Hanukkah Edition) | Cooking with Marshmello

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