Thursday, October 18, 2018

Achim B'yachad: Volunteers Appreciation Event '18

Achim B’Yachad - Chai Lifeline recognized over 400 volunteers at the annual Volunteer Appreciation event.

This year, a barbecue was held in Boro Park, at the home of Shloma and Dvora Meyer with catering by Oh! Vents. Guests were entertained by a stirring performance featuring Lipa Schmeltzer accompanied by the music of Beri Karpen during the course of the three-hour gathering.

Achim B'yachad is the Chassidish division Of Chai Lifeline. Fighting Illness With Love.
Achim B'yachad restores the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when cancer, life-threatening, or lifelong illness was diagnosed.

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