Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Shavuos Message from The Agudah - Kad Yasvun

A special shavuos message from The Agudah and the Daf Yomi Commission

Dear Chaver,

Being koveha itim latorah is the backbone of our Yiddishhkiet and growth in avodas Hashem . The yom tov of Shavous is an opportune time to strengthen our commitment to learning – day in and day out with no vacations or excuses. I am delighted to share with you a special Shavuos message from The Agudah and the Daf Yomi Commision.

May we be zoche to a true kabalas haTorah this Yom Tov

Rabbi Labish Becker
Executive Director
Agudath Israel of America

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