Friday, April 27, 2018

Coast Guard Rescues Man From Capsized Boat

A group of responders working together to rescue a man trapped inside the cabin of a capsized boat Wednesday in Brookings was caught on film by a bystander.

According to a Coast Guard press release, a witness called the Coast Guard at 11:06 a.m. after seeing a 26-foot Army Corps of Engineers boat capsize near the Chetco River entrance on the Oregon Coast. A Coast Guard boat arrived at the vessel at 11:14 a.m. and reported one of the two people on the boat was able to swim to shore and another was unaccounted for.

At the time of the incident, waves were two to four feet high with four foot breaks.

As the Coast Guard boat arrived on scene in the water, a beach rescue began. Coast Guard responders in dry suits attempted to walk a 50 foot line to the overturned boat. However, once it was attached and rescuers began pulling that line with a winch, it broke.

A second, thicker line was attached and rescuers were able to use a tractor to pull the boat 30 feet closer to shore, where they were finally able to free the Army Corps of Engineers employee stuck in the cabin.

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