Parashas Va'eira - How to Achieve Inner Peace. True freedom is being who you really are - Rabbi Mendel Feigenson Chabad of Sugar Land
Blood and Frogs. Fire and Ice. The Late Parsha Show With Eli Weiss
Va'eira: Why 10 Makos? Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.
#ParshaSelfie Va'eira: Attitude of Gratitude
Video Vort - Va'era 5778 - Rabbi Etan Tokayer
Va'eira: But you didn't Krechtz along! Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.
Va'eira: What Thought Viruses make you. Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.
Va'eira: "I will be to you - as much as you believe in me" Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.
Va'eira: "I will be with you - the way you are" - Rabbi Shimon Semp, Monsey, NY.
Rabbi Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson Parsha Va'eira 5778 - This week the Rabbi answers the question: "Are all our Prayers answered?"
Parshas Vaeira 5778 Rabbi Aryeh Royde - Understanding what was the purpose of the plagues.
Parshas Va'eira 5778: Wonder Full - Rabbi Moshe Snow
Parshas Va'Eira2 - Savannah Kollel
Parsha Vaera Rabbi Benztion Shafier - How Are We Judged?
Vaeira - Rabbi Laibl Wolf's Weekly Parsha Video
Shemos: What's in a name? A lot when its R' Aryeh Yehuda Leib Shteinman TZ"L - The Short Vort on Shemos: What's in a name? A lot when its R' Aryeh Yehuda Leib Shteinman TZ"L. What can we learn from an other wordly Tzadik.
Ohr Hatorah Vaeira
Friday, January 12, 2018
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